Micronotes Pushes Forward on Plans to Drive Advertising Revenue from Online Banking

Thumbnail image for micronotesLOGO.jpgI checked in last week with Christian Klacko of Micronotes to see how they’ve been doing this past year. 

Since last year’s Startup conference the company has grown to eight employees and added three members to its advisory board:
Glen Urban, MIT Professor of Marketing and the former dean of the MIT Sloan School of Management.
Drazen Prelec, leading behavioral economist at MIT
Tom Burgess, serial marketing entrepreneur and former CEO of Third Screen Media 
For those unfamiliar with Micronotes, the company provides an interactive direct marketing tool that can be deployed by banks to generate non-interest income. Once opted-in, online banking customers are invited to get cash in return for taking 20-30 second online “MicroInterviews” with a brand of their choosing. 
Users are also offered high-value, highly targeted offers based on their responses to the interview questions.
Consumer brands pay bank customers for engaging with them through the MicroInterview and banks earn a revenue share for each completed interview.
The interview questions appear at the end of an online banking transaction. Upon completion of the MicroInterview, the cash back amount is transferred into the customer’s account. 
Demonstration from FinovateStartup 2009 can be viewed online here.
Since its Finovate debut, the company has completed 2 field trials and grown its customer base to include both national (e.g. Sears, Barnes & Noble, Marriott) and local brands. Micronotes is also in trial with several banks and expects to bring more financial institutions on board in 2010.
MicroInterview Step 1 Upon Completion of an online banking transaction
KM 1.jpg
MicroInterview Step 2

KM 2.jpg
MicroInterview Step 3
KM 4.jpg

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