Micronotes & Yodlee Power Logout Promotions at 1st Advantage Credit Union

Thumbnail image for Micronotes (2).jpgLast week, Bank Technology News reported how 1st Advantage Federal Credit Union transitioned away from banner ads during online banking sessions due to low clickthrough rates.

In place of banner ads, the CU implemented KulaX from Massachusetts-based Micronotes:
“(KulaX) presents three questions, targeted to a specific user and designed around a specific product. The questions are presented only when the user logs out.
The technology can use either transaction data gathered by the bank or its own analysis engine to target its questions. KulaX tracks responses and the actual use of the offers it presents.”

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The Credit Union has also partnered with Yodlee:
“In addition to cross-selling bank products, Micronotes can present merchant-funded offers through another product it has developed with the vendor Yodlee Inc. called Yodlee Offers.”
According to Yodlee, the merchant-funded rewards will be more data-intensive and thus better targeted.
Both Micronotes and Yodlee will be presenting next week at FinovateFall. Get your ticket here. To learn more, watch Micronotes’ FinovateFall 2010 demo and Yodlee’s FinovateEurope2011 demo.

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