Micronotes Demonstrates A Cross-Sell Engine for Financial Insitutions

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Next up to the podium, Micronotes demonstrated KulaX, a service that helps generate leads:

“KulaX is a cross-sell engine that enables financial institutions to leverage their online banking platform to generate more leads faster without interfering with core banking functions. Online banking customers are targeted with the “next best product” where they are invited, at logout, to engage in an automated one-on-one microinterview with their financial institution about their financial products’ needs and preferences. Upon interview completion, customers are presented with special offers for the FI’s products and services that have been tailored based on interview responses; requested offers are emailed to the customers. KulaX has generated 5 leads per 1000 online customers per week in field application.”

Product Launched: July 2010 

HQ Location: Cambridge, MA 
Company Founded: June 2008 
Metrics: Money raised to date: $2.5 million, Number of employees: 7
Presenting Christian Klacko (SVP Field Operations) Jim Craig (VP Marketing at First Advantage Credit Union)


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