True Office Scores $3 Million Funding Round

TrueOfficeLogo.jpgWhen the regulatory and compliance training gets tough, the tough get gamified.

At least that’s the approach taken by True Office, a company that specializes in gamifying the complex (and often tedious) regulatory and compliance training process for professionals working in financial institutions.

And this effort to bring a little bounce to the step of those trudging through mandatory compliance training has won the company $3 million in Series A funding.

Said True Office CEO and founder, Adam Sodowick: “A well-designed game has the power to engage employees and at the same time produce analytics that can help banks identify and reduce operational and compliance risk.”

According to information released by the company late last week, True Office will use the funding to help the company expand its presence in the financial sector, as well as apply its gamification approach to other highly-regulated industries.

Participating in the funding round were Rho Ventures, the Partnership for New York City Fund, and Contour Venture Partners.

Watch True Office in action next month in London at FinovateEurope 2013.  More information about the event is available here.

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