MyWishBoard’s P2P Platform Helps Family and Friends Fund Each Others’ Wishes

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2014.


Next, MyWishBoard stepped up to demo its P2P platform that helps friends and family finance each others’ wishes:
“ is the first p2p platform where users can finance their wishes with the help of friends and subscribers. Once the necessary amount is raised, the money is transferred to the gift recipient’s digital account and could be further spent directly in e-stores or withdrawn on a credit card.”

Presenting Alexander Borodich (Co-Founder & Chief Dreams Officer) and Olga Kazmina (Marketing Fairy)

Product Launch: July 2013
Metrics: $730,000 raised, more than 80,000 registered users with over 650,000 wishes, 6 employees
HQ: Moscow, Russia 
Founded: May 2013 

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