PayPal’s Braintree’s SDK Available to International Customers


PayPal’s Braintree announced this afternoon that it has started rolling out its software development kit (SDK) for international customers. It plans to begin with its core markets, including:

    • Australia
    • Canada
    • France
    • Germany
    • Sweden
    • UK

The remaining tens of thousands of customers spread across 40+ countries will have access to the SDK in the future.


The SDK, which can be integrated in around 15 minutes, will bring the international customers three key features:

    1. Ability to accept PayPal payments without additional integration
    2. Simplicity for future developments to help them keep up with the latest innovation
    3. An easy-to-integrate, customizable UI

Current international customers include The Exchange Group in Australia and CINQ-S in France.

Braintree demonstrated at FinovateSpring 2013 before it was acquired by PayPal in September of that year. PayPal last demonstrated at FinovateEurope 2012.

If you’re interested in seeing more of Braintree’s SDK, check out its presentations and workshop sessions at FinDEVr this September 30 through October 1.

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