Category Archives: Efigence

FinovateEurope: Behind the Scenes with Avoka, BehavioSec, The Currency Cloud, and Efigence

In our final behind-the-scenes look at companies that demonstrated at FinovateEurope last month, we talked to Avoka, BehavioSec, The Currency Cloud, and Efigence (which demoed with IdeaBank). This range of companies covers everything from small business solutions and biometric security to Bank 3.0 makeovers and B2C2C currency exchange.

In case you missed any of the previous behind-the-scenes features, you can check them out below:



What they do
Avoka’s online form-based transaction technology brings the form-filling process to a new level by supporting all channels and creating a seamless transition among them. With this solution, users can begin filling out a form on one channel, leave it, and pick it up on another channel where they left off.

    • 100+ employees
    • Offices in Australia, USA, and UK
    • Tier 1 & 2 Financial Services clients, government clients in USA, UK, and Australia
The experience
Users can begin their account opening experience on their mobile device. In this case, the user has started filling out a mortgage application. At the top, they are provided a tracking number which they can use to reference their application to a customer service representative.

The graphic below illustrates how the user, who began the application process on an iPhone, can resume filling out their mortgage application on a tablet. Since it picks up in the same spot that they left off, there is no need to enter the same information The phone on the right shows the same application on a smaller sized screen, which demonstrates Avoka’s use of responsive design.
In the event the user has difficulty at a point in the application, they can call a customer service representative or opt to schedule a time for the representative to call them at their convenience. The customer only needs to provide their tracking number located on the screen of their device, and the representative will be able to see their progress and location in the form-filling process.
The customer service reps are given visibility into completely abandoned forms. They can view the customer name, their email address, and at which point they abandoned the form. This gives the CSR the ability tailor the way they follow up with the client, depending on where they abandoned the form.

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What they do
BehavioSec is a leading Swedish IT mobile security company that specializes in behavioral biometric authentication. Behavioral biometrics is a way of verifying identity based on how users act and interact with everything from their desktop computers, to websites, to mobile devices.
    • Raised €1.5 million
    • 12 employees
Biometrics as Security’s Cutting Edge
Anyone who fears that fintech professionals don’t take security issues seriously enough would have to explain why BehavioSec continues to be a favorite among Finovate audiences.
In picking up another Best of Show award at FinovateEurope this spring, BehavioSec continues to impress with an argument that what’s good enough for the security professionals at DARPA should be good enough for the consumers of financial products, as well.
keystroke-dynamics.jpgHow does BehavioSec’s technology work? Keyboard strokes, swiping patterns and other gesture dynamics (pressure, speed, cadence) are as uniquely identifiable as fingerprints and arguably far more so than passwords and PINs. BehavioSec records these inputs as the user of the PC, website or mobile device goes about her business. 
If and when the technology encounters behavior that is inconsistent with how the user has interacted in the past – a different rhythm in the typing of the keys, a different pressure or an uncommon hesitation in the middle of a swipe or gesture, the attempt fails.
gesture-dynamics.jpgAll of this security is provided in real-time. BehavioSec also presents its data via a dashboard that makes it easy to monitor transactions as they happen or conduct forensic review afterwards. “If it isn’t you trying to make a particular transaction,” sai
d Neil Costigan, BehavioSec’s CEO, “who is it?” BehavioSec’s platform makes it easier for banks and financial institutions to find out.
I caught up with Neil late in the day on Wednesday. The final networking period of the day was already underway and most attendees and presenters alike were milling around, drinks in hand, waiting for the Best of Show announcements later that evening.
We didn’t have a lot of time, but it’s always great to catch up with Neil and find out about the prospects of further behavioral biometric adoption by more banks and financial institutions.
“The takeaway? That’s it’s cool and it works,” Neil said in response to a question about his technology’s enduring appeal. He admits there is still a little mystique surrounding behavioral biometrics (“James Bond stuff”), and it cuts both ways, by impressing some and making others a little more cautious.”
BehavioSec continues to have great success in the Nordic countries, where the company was founded, and Neil pointed to the 2.5 million people who will be using the technology at Denmark-based Danske Bank. And the company continues to be close with the U.S. defense industry. Stay tuned for news on that front in the months to come.
But the company is not resting on its laurels, looking to expand into more markets – and more kinds of markets – around the world. “The technology is proven,” Neil said, “we don’t need to invest in R&D.” Instead he mentioned new fields, suggesting that the company has moved beyond investment on research and development to focus on new areas of business such as the account sharing problem for software licensing. 
And expansion into London is another option, particularly given the strong reputation many of the Nordic banks have in the U.K. “We’re looking at offices and interviewing people for a UK presence,” Neil said.”It’s an easy next step from the Nordics. We are similar in customer profile.” 
“Also our references carry weight here,” Neil said with a smile. “You walk around San Diego and say, ‘I’ve got a bank in Norway’ and they say, uh, what part of Wisconsin is that?” 

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What they do
The Currency Cloud helps businesses make international payments faster, more affordable, more transparent, and more secure. The company’s Payment Engine technology takes over and automates the entire process, from initial receipt of funds, through conversion to final payment.
    • Employs 42 staff members
    • Raised $8 million in funding
    • Has 50 new direct clients and more than 1,000 indirect clients on boarded since January 2013
    • Has 40,000 end customers
    • Processes payments in 40 currencies in more than 200 countries
    • Delivers 95% of payments within 24 hours
    • Processes $400 million in payments monthly
    • Clients include Finovate alums:
      • azimo
      • CurrencyTransfer
      • Fidor Bank
      • TransferWise
Giving Companies “Global ACH”
The Currency Cloud considers itself a technology company rather than a FX company, at heart. The company specializes in providing the infrastructure that makes it not only for businesses to make international payments, but for international payments companies themselves to do their business better. “We are very much in the background,” explained Todd Lathan, Vice President of Marketing for the company, “We’re B2B2C. We enable companies to have a global ACH.”
This year at Finovate, the company showcased a new feature, Cash Manager, which allows customers to send payments in advance. This turns what is often a 5-6 day process using traditional methods, into a far shorter process for companies that make sizable, regular international payments. 
The idea of the Cash Manager came from customers. As CEO Michael Laven explains it, The Currency Cloud’s customers seek help with two primary issues: speed and transparency. In the name of speed, the company’s Cash Manager enables customers with predictable, end-of-month payment runs to pay in advance, taking days out of the payment cycle.
And in the name of transparency, the Currency Cloud has built a new notification facility that shows a complete chain of payments, the location of the funds and what transactions have been executed. From the Finovate stage, Laven cited a conversation with an attendee who said that “the major thing missing from their payment world” was precisely this kind of functionality. “We solved this problem and made it very, very easy,” Michael said.
Click the image above to watch a video introduction to The Currency Cloud
Going forward, what goals for 2014 does The Currency Cloud have? Making the process even faster is a top priority, as is expanding the company’s global footprint. This expansion will have to come on a country-by-country basis, due to the differences in regulation, and explains why the company looks to find and make partnerships in the areas they seek to expand into.
“It’s all about where our customers are and what regulations they are operating under,” Todd said.


What they do
Efigence creates a host of solutions from PFM technology, to online banking, and even currency exchange tools. At FinovateEurope, however, it teamed with IdeaBank to show off its platform that provides tools and data visibility for entrepreneurs to manage their small business.

    • Founded in 1999
    • Product launched Q2 2014
The experience
The screenshot below shows the client dashboard that gives them an overarching view of the business’ finances, cash flow, account balance, payments, and invoices. The responsive design interface works well on a variety of screen sizes, and the large buttons make it touch screen friendly. 

The top screenshot below shows Turbo Payments, a feature that recognizes monthly expenses and enables users to pay a suggested amount on those recurring items with the click of one button. Similarly, Turbo Invoicing recognizes recurring monthly invoices, and allows users to send multiple invoices with one click.
In the graph near the bottom of the screenshot below, the platform notifies the user if their cash flow is endangered, as indicated by the red zone that dips below zero. When the user clicks on the section to gather more information, they are presented with the option to repair their cash flow by applying for an instant loan or receive factoring services for multiple, unpaid invoices.
The system also has a Virtual Vault that can be used to store items like documents or photos. The files are encrypted and protected from unauthorized users, so it is a safe place to store and exchange sensitive files.
The video below shows the implementation of the solution with Poland-based IdeaBank:

Efigence Teams Up with Idea Bank to Present New Transaction System for SMEs

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This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2014.

Coming to the stage now is the combined team of efigence, builder of web and mobile IB platforms, and Idea Bank, a specialist in SME banking.

“We are presenting a tool for small and medium enterprises. It is a new transaction system for SMEs that is connected with accountancy systems and a company’s cash flow analysis.”
Presenting Marek Lesiak (CTO, efigence), Andrzej Szewczyk (Managing Director, efigence), and Steve Sutton (Innovation Manager, efigence)

Product Launch: Q1 2014
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), Direct to Consumer (B2C)
HQ: efigence: Warsaw, Poland; Idea Bank: Warsaw, Poland
Founded: efigence: 1999; Idea Bank: 2010
Twitter: @efigence, @IdeaBankSA

FinovateEurope 2014 Sneak Peek: Part 5


While we’re busy polishing up the details for FinovateEurope 2014, we wanted to keep our Sneak Peek series going. Below is the fifth installment of our series that gives a glimpse of what the companies will demo on stage February 11 and 12 in London. Don’t miss out on the action; get your ticket here today to see all of the demos live.

If you missed any of our earlier installments, take a look at FinovateEurope 2014 Sneak Peeks 1-4 below.

And now, meet another six companies who will be demoing next month at FinovateEurope 2014.


Arxan Technologies protects mobile apps from hackers and malware exploits with award-winning mobile app shielding products. Prevent fraud, unauthorized access and brand compromise with Arxan’s software security.


    • Strengthens financial apps with self-defense and tamper-resistance 
    • Delivers comprehensive and multi-OS application hardening
    • Deployed at the end of software development without changes to source code
Why it’s great
Arxan provides global Fortune 500 companies with the world’s strongest and most deployed application protection to launch multi-OS mobile services. 


Vince Arneja, Vice President, Product Management
Vince Arneja brings over 18 years of experience in senior level technical product and program management, with the last 10 years focused on application, endpoint and network security.


Winston Bond, European Technical Manager
With over 20 years of experience, Winston has developed software on a wide variety of embedded, desktop and mobile platforms. Winston is European Technical Manager for Arxan Technologies Inc.


CRIF sees financial institutions worldwide turn to its Credit Framework, adaptable technology, integrating predictive analytics and know-how, to achieve optimized decision-making and compliant credit processes.

    • Lending sales mobile app integrating automated decision-making, information and downstream processes
    • Mobile business intelligence for credit and lending
    • Business user-friendly KPI tracking and fine-tuning
Why it’s great
Combines lending via mobile devices with agile, business user-friendly technology to make smarter decisions in the moment.  


Aldo Bruschi Vice-President 
Aldo is a seasoned credit and decisioning expert. He is motivated by continuous innovation in applying data, predictive analytics and technology to improve credit and lending processes. 


Sheila Donohue
International credit and lending go-to-market professional and global marketer for the CRIF Credit Framework.


efigence and IdeaBank developed the first European Internet Banking for SMEs integrated with accountancy and cashflow analysis tools on the web, tablets and mobile which works in cloud.
    • First European “All-in-one” platform for SMEs including Internet Banking, accountancy and cashflow analysis module.
    • Works in the cloud
    • On web, tablets and other mobile devices
Why it’s great
This transaction system for SMEs connected with cloud accountancy systems and a company’s cashflow analysis changed the way of thinking in the banking sector about products for business.  

Andrzej Szewczyk, Managing Director at Efigence
Andrzej worked for the largest telecoms and media companies and was implementing pioneer projects that used broadband data t
ransmission for the largest Polish websites.


Steve Sutton, Innovation Manager at efigence
Steve is focused on international business development. 


payworks makes it easy to build payments into shopper and merchant apps.
    • Easy integration of payment functionality
    • Combine shopper wallets and Chip & PIN 
    • Work with different hardware and payment providers
Why it’s great
It provides the world of mobile POS on one single platform.


Christian Deger, Co-Founder and CEO of payworks
Prior to founding payworks, Christian was responsible for building the South East Asian business of PAYRETO, a managed services company for payment providers. 


Plutus Software’s (its flagship product) features predictive analytics to aid both borrowers and lenders.
    • Superior alternative to traditional credit scoring
    • More holistic assessment of a borrower’s creditworthiness
    • Enables lenders to more accurately assess the risk of borrowers
Why it’s great’s proprietary credit scoring system aims to produce a more holistic assessment of a borrower’s creditworthiness via incorporating multiple data sources, including social media.  


Aidil Zulkifli, CEO
Aidil is a Singapore-qualified advocate and solicitor, and practiced law for more than 2 years before founding Plutus Software.


Jagannathan J., CTO
Jagannathan possesses 16 years experience as a technologist and was previously Head of Engineering at Yahoo! SEA/India and Singapore’s leading property portal,


SaaS Markets is the leading enterprise app store platform for financial companies.
    • Reduce software costs with a centralized app marketplace solution
    • Give your employees and/or your SME customers all of the cloud-based tools they need to succeed
    • Increase IT security and control
Why it’s great
SaaS Markets’ MarketMaker platform–the leading cloud marketplace platform for financial companies.


Ferdi Roberts, CEO
Ferdi is a former senior executive at Yahoo, Cisco, and Ariba. Educated at Imperial College in London, he has worked across global tech markets for the past 20 years.


Jay Manciocchi, JD, Director of Content
Jay formerly worked as a senior executive at Brafton–the U.S.’s largest content marketing agency. He has further worked at Mercer–the global consulting company.

Stay tuned next Monday, when we’ll bring you six more previews of the hottest in European fintech.

Where Are They Now? FinovateEurope 2013 Best of Show Winners


As we begin helping FinovateEurope 2014 presenters polish their demos for the show on February 11 and 12, we thought we’d take some time to catch up with last year’s best of show winners to see what they’ve been up to over the past 12 months.

Here are last year’s winners, in alphabetical order:


Who they are: A retail bank leader in France and Europe, with 11,600 branches worldwide, 160,000 employees and 54M customers.

What they demoed: The Credit Agricole Store, a European app store where financial apps are co-created between clients and developers thanks to the opening bank APIs.
Demo video

What they’ve been up to:
    • Celebrated the second year of its social media bank and attracted 3k banking customers.
    • Harnessed banking and insurance expertise to support the cooperative group Agrial in its first listed private bond placement.


Who they are: an IT company that develops complex and innovative solutions for the banking and finance industries. 

What they demoed: The BANKTRON e-channels management platform that provides front-end users elegant, safe, and secure financial products and services.
Demo video

What they’ve been up to:

  • Was recognized as Lithuania’s most advanced high-tech sector company in the elections of the Knowledge Economy Company 2013.
  • Released a mobile banking app for Medicinos Bankas.
  • One of the DNB Group’s Internet banks implemented BANKTRON and its newest adaptive interface.


Who they are: mBank is a financial sector innovator that offers a full range of retail and SME financial products. Efigence specializes in online banking platforms, currency trading tools, PFM tools and social and financial data aggregation tools.

What they demoed: Their online banking transactional site and implementation of Facebook and real-time consumer gratification.

What they’ve been up to:
    • mBank, along with Accenture, picked up a Best of Show award at FinovateFall 2013
    • mBank announced a new transactional service, new logo, premium offer for affluent customers.
    • Efigence-powered Alior Currency Exchange awarded Innovation of the year 2012 title
    • Efigence-powered Alior Bank won the prestigious Golden Bank 2012 title


Who they are: They offer white-label PFM and next generation online banking solutions to retail banks.
What they demoed: Their To buy or Not to buy, a white-label module for mobile banking applications. It uses PFM functionality to empower and influence consumers at the point of sale or when considering buying something.
What they’ve been up to:
    • Promsvyazbank in Russia launched Meniga-powered PFM-Service
    • Raised $6.5 Million (€5 Million) to further develop PFM and online banking
    • BRE Bank launched its “new mBank”based on Meniga´s PFM solution


Who they are: A neobank focused on the mobile experience and aimed at both banked and underbanked consumers.
What they demoed: Their mobile banking experience along with how CredScore and their Spend, Save, Live tools will help consumers manage and improve their financial health
What they’ve been up to:
    • Launched their Android app
    • Updated the iOS app
    • Received $2 million investment from Life.SREDA
    • Expanded the beta sign ups for the bank
    • Debuted Money Pulse to help users manage day-to-day finances


Who they are: A solution that provides a platform for kids under the age of 18 to make transactions online with parental controls.
What they demoedAn e-commerce solution that enables kids to manage and spend money within a parent-controlled environment
What they’ve been up to:
  • Rebranded as Oink
  • Launched new iOS mobile app
  • Contracted with Marvelous USA to provide its payment system on their site
  • Expanded to a quarter of a million users
  • Signed its first UK partners, Toy Galaxy and Toadstool
  • Won The National Parenting Center’s 2013 Seal of Approval under the Websites category.
  • Partnered with epay
  • Received Excellence in Best Practices Award from Frost & Sullivan


Who they are: The creator of a social payments app that helps users track and split joint expenses on-the-go.

What they demoed: Their app that helps groups manage shared finances by giving them an easy option to repay one another
What they’ve been up to:
  • Launched Android app
  • Presented their solution to the Bavarian Ministry of Economics


Who they are: SumUp offers an easy way for small businesses and sole traders to accept card payments securely, even on-the-go. Using only a portable card reader and an app for iOS and Android, merchants can accept card payments on their mobile device.

What they demoed: Their mobile point of sale system
What they’ve been up to:
  • Expanded to Latin America with launch of m-payments service in Brazil
  • Cut its transaction fee across Europe
  • Received investment from BBVA Ventures to aid in expansion to South America
  • Launched plug-and-play POS technology
  • Received multi-million Euro investment from Amex and Groupon
  • Launched in Russia and partnered with Svyaznoy Group
  • Partnered with Revel Systems to facilitate card payments
  • Began supporting AmEx in some European markets

To be a part of the action at this year’s FinovateEurope, get your ticket here to watch a full two days of demos and vote for who you think should win Best of Show.

Finovate Alumni News– February 28, 2013

  • Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgMasterCard to deploy Mobile PayPass technology in Brazil, the company’s first NFC payment project in Latin America. 
  • Social Commerce Today takes a look at Azimo and the multi-billion dollar remittance market. 
  • Woopra, the customer analytics blog, profiles BillFloat
  • BBVA Compass picks Keynote’s DeviceAnywhere platform for mobile app testing. 
  • Kashoo announces “flash sale” for its iPad accounting app. 
  • Mobile Payments Today highlights the Pay Anyone app from Pageonce
  • Comarch invests PLN 1 million in a bid to strengthen its customer support services.
  • Wired magazine features Acuity Systems’ Harlan Hutson talking about authentication and moving beyond the digital wallet.
  • Efigence-implemented Alior Currency Exchange wins best innovation of the year award for 2012 from Polish Academy of Sciences and editors of Business Forum magazine.
  • BBVA named Model Bank of the Year by Celent.
  • ShopKeep POS wins Stevie Award for Best customer service.
  • Fortune 100 company chooses Taulia to provide extensive invoicing capabilities.
  • PaySimple launches starter promotional pricing to help newer companies grow and manage their businesses.
  • TESOBE’s Open Bank Project organizes FinTech hackathon in London on the 19th of March at Level39.
  • Doxo introduces provider online bill pay and view.
  • PayPal expands relationship with Coinstar to add coins or dollars into or withdraw money from their PayPal accounts.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.